“City to FC+: Raisin and peach aroma, dark fruit, berry jam, rich dark chocolate syrup, grape skins, and Thai coconut. Good for espresso.” -Sweet Marias

The initial sip has a berry sweetness, and a light acidic finish that does have a grape skin note. There is a background chocolate note that blends with the dark fruit, sweetness, and also softens the acidity. The finish is clean, with a light lingering chocolate note, and the body is light.

As it slowly cools, the acidity has gotten a little softer, and the chocolate and fruit notes are bigger and integrated. The dark fruit sweetness is nicely balanced with the acidity, which really does have a grape skin dryness to it, like it has some tannin at work. I haven’t had Thai coconut specifically, but I do get a light coconut note in the finish now.

The chocolate notes on this roast definitely make it a nice cup to sip on. The dark fruit sweetness and acidic grape notes also brightened up the cup. As for the roasting details, the roast was done in the Gene Cafe roaster, with a heat setting of 460 degrees, for 15 minutes. First crack started approximately around 13:00 minutes and continued for about 1.5 minutes. Cooling was done in the Gene, down to 215 degrees, and then removed and cooled in a colander until room temperature.

UPDATE: I tried this as an espresso and it is delicious. The fruit notes are much softer, with little to no acidity present. The chocolate sweetness is front and center, but there is also a nice smooth, almost creamy note of coconut.